Johannes Bernardus
van Bree
(1801 – 1857)
String Quartets
No. 1 & 2
Utrecht String Quartet
MDG 603 2302-2
Price: 21,99 €
Dutch early Romantic composer Johannes Bernardus van Bree’s elegant melodies and carefully dosed counterpoint technique give his string quartets a simple yet charming originality. In the words of a contemporary, his works are characterised “by simplicity and naturalness… by polish, clarity and freshness, a certain popularity, without triviality”.
Van Bree was a self-taught violin virtuoso who founded one of the first professional string quartets in the Netherlands. His compositions were probably all premiered by the "Amsterdam Quartet Society". Their surviving concert programmes show a great interest in contemporary repertoire with works by Onslow, Mendelssohn and Spohr, which must have influenced van Bree’s own works.
He founded Amsterdam’s first professional orchestra at the "Felix Meritis" (a forerunner to the Concergebouw) and conducted the Dutch premieres of Berlioz' Symphonie fantastique and Wagner's Faust Overture. Even the Toonkunstkoor Amsterdam, which still exists today, can be traced back to van Bree. His importance for Amsterdam's musical life in the first half of the 19th century cannot be overstated.
Although highly esteemed during his lifetime, van Bree’s compositions quickly fell into oblivion. He left behind four string quartets, of which the last one is yet to be published. The Utrecht String Quartet are always on the lookout for hidden treasures. This recording is a first step towards van Bree's long overdue rediscovery.
"Das Utrecht String Quartet ist seit drei Jahrzehnten aktiv und hebt des Öfteren vergessene Werke. Dabei merkt man schnell, dass sie in van Brees Quartetten etwas entdeckt haben, dass sie mit Interesse und Hingabe vorführen. Sie schaffen eine gelungene Mischung aus analytischer Durchdringung wie auch höchst ausdrucksstarken Interpretationen, die aber auch der Musik nicht mehr aufbürden, als ihr gut tut. Im Zusammenspiel bestens eingerichtet, halten sie trotzdem die innere Spannung und Energie, um die vorgestellten Kompositionen in überzeugender Weise zu deuten." - Pizzicato
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